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A. Campus Involvement

Greek organizations are structured as small communities within the larger campus community. Involvement in campus life outside of the Greek community is highly encouraged for all chapter members. Extracurricular involvement of chapter members and chapter participation in campus events enhances the campus image of Greeks and enriches the collegiate experience of chapter members.

Sixty percent (60%) of the membership has joined at least one other non-Greek-related campus or community organization.

There are a variety of ways that chapters can support campus events. Examples of ways to earn credit:

  • at least 20% of the chapter attends a non-Greek organization event (2 pts)

  • participating in Club Fair (1 pt per fair)

  • chapter support of an athletic team by 50% of chapter members attending at least 50% of the team’s home games (10 pts)

  • full participation in the Greek Olympics hosted by Athletics – 30% of the chapter attends all designated athletic competitions, “Golden Games” (10pts)

  • chapter supports intramural sports by forming teams (5 pts per team that participates in a full season, up to 15pts)

  • collaborating to host an event or speaker (2 pts)

  • at least 20% of the chapter volunteers at Convocation, Orientations, Celebrate CSUB, College Making it Happen, Engineering Day, or Commencement (15 pts)

  • full participation in Greeks Give Back, Greek Week, Dance Marathon, or RowdyCon/Extra Life (10 pts each)

B. Alumni & Family Relations

Alumni and parents can assist a chapter in a variety of ways including advising, financial support, and networking. Successful chapters, therefore, nurture their parents and alumni by maintaining frequent communication and hosting activities.

Chapter sends newsletters to both alumni and parents. This can be the same newsletter distributed to both parents and alumni or separate. The newsletters can be mailed or e-mailed. Note: Any newsletter submitted may be posted on the CSUB Fraternity & Sorority Life website.

Chapter sponsors at least two events for alumni or attends two events hosted by their respective alumni chapter.

C. Community Service

Greek organization mission statements reflect a commitment to the service of others. Community service has shown to provide value-added educational experiences. To assist chapters in fulfilling their mission and providing members an opportunity to learn from helping others, the following standards were developed. While raising money for charitable organizations clearly provides a valuable service to the community, the emphasis on these standards is a more direct means of serving the community.

The chapter sponsors at least two hands-on community service projects (not fundraisers) per year with the participation of at least 60% of the chapter membership for a minimum of three hours up to 52 points. One 60% project can be broken into two 30% projects. Do not include community service performed as part of a judicial sanction. Programs may be the result of collaborative efforts.

The chapter can earn up to 28 additional points through the following

  • additional projects involving at least 30% of the chapter for 3+ hours (8 pts)

  • projects involving at least 20% of the chapter (2 pts)

  • adopting an area through Campus Beautification (1 pt)

  • being awarded the Campus Beautification area of the month (5 pts)

  • at least 20% of the chapter participating in Campus Clean-Up events (2 pts)

  • participating in a direct community service projected hosted by another organization (1 pt for each member who serves 3+ hours, up to 5 pts)

  • contributing to a blood drive (1 pt for each member who donates blood, up to 15 pts per year)

  • conduct a fundraiser that raises money for a charitable cause (2 pts)

D. Faculty/Staff Relations

Recognizing that chapters would not exist without the university, chapters should take action to educate the university’s faculty and staff about chapter life and events.

The chapter conducts a minimum of one program per year to recognize or interact with faculty/staff. This might include faculty appreciation dinners or sponsoring an appreciation day for a university department.

E. Greek Relations

In addition to participation in Council and All-Greek activities, effective community building occurs when chapters do activities with one another.

Chapter conducts a joint alcohol-free non-social activity with another Greek chapter with the participation of at least 30% of chapter membership. Activities can be, but are not limited to, community service projects, educational programs, cultural events, sporting activities, etc. Educational programs and community service projects included in other categories can also be included in this section for additional points if the program is done with another Greek chapter. Programs conducted as part of a judicial sanction are excluded.

F. (Inter)National Relations

Chapters that are affiliated with an (inter)national organization benefit from utilizing the services and programs of the organization and networking with other chapters.

The chapter has the required attendance at mandatory programs and events of the (inter)national organization (national or regional leadership conferences, conventions, etc.). Local organizations may earn these points by sending members to regional conferences such as AFLV, I-LEAD, LeaderShape, etc.

The chapter submits articles and photographs to the (inter)national magazine, newsletter, or related website that are published. Local organizations may earn these points for being featured in any (inter)national magazine, newsletter, or related website related to higher education or fraternity/sorority life.

Chapter conducts at least one joint activity (social or non-social) with another undergraduate chapter of the same affiliation. This can include Founders Day events that involve two or more undergraduate chapters. Local organizations may earn these points by conducting a joint activity with other local Greek-lettered organizations from another university.

Chapter has earned an award or recognition from their (inter)national headquarters within the award period. Local organizations may earn these points by earning an award or recognition from an (inter)national organization affiliated with higher education or fraternity/sorority life.

G. Public Relations

A positive public image is important to a successful Greek community, and chapters need to take pro-active steps to disseminate positive information about the CSUB Greek experience.

Chapter has developed and approved a comprehensive Public Relations Plan.

Chapter maintains and updates its own local website and social media page viewable by the public.

Chapter receives positive coverage from a local media outlet including the local news stations, the Bakersfield Californian, or the Runner.

CSUB Fraternity & Sorority Life


Office of Student Involvement
located inside the Student Union
9001 Stockdale Hwy
Bakersfield, CA 93311

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